Incivility Week of 7/23/2018
(Updated 7/30/18)

Incivility‐is this a new word for you? It means, want (or lack) of courtesy; rudeness of manners towards others; impoliteness. A more modern definition is, the quality or condition of being uncivil; discourteous behavior or treatment.
With the World′s negative outlook toward Israel, especially due to the Palestinian situation and the conflicts in Gaza (not to mention the growth of populism and the anti?establishment sentiment of northern and central Europe) incivility toward Jews is becoming as common as the air that we breathe. The United States Anti‐Defamation League′s newest report of February 2018, found that incidents were reported in all 50 states. This has not happen in over ten years and there appears to be a “direct link to online hate and hate incidents”. Globally, there has always been an element of hostility toward Jews, but within the last couple of years incidents have been more frequent and more violent. In many parts of Europe Jews no longer feel safe in their homeland. This is particular true for the Jews of Germany due to the increase in immigrants from Syria and Iraq. There are also concerns with the gaining popularity of the far‐right Alternative for Germany party. This party has been described as racist, Islamophobic, anti‐Semitic and thought to have links to the neo‐Nazism that swept Germany during the 30′s and 40′s-some calling this nationalism. As discussed in a previous blog (4/8/18) the sad outcome to the populism in northern/central Europe is the rise in social prejudice—especially for Jews. In many places, the shift to the populous right has allied those in the government establishment with Nazi collaborators—because they are often the defenders of national liberation.
But, Germany is not the only country—most every country has some kind of anti‐Semitic views. The Jews of Great Britain are concerned if the Labor Party came to power there would be a stampede of Jews making aliyah to Israel because of the Labor leader, Jeremy Corbyn who has boycotted Israel since his youth. Plus, he continues to ignore anti‐Semitic violations within his party and continues to refer to Hamas and Hezbollah as his friends. Under the present rule of government, under Prime Minister Theresa May, there has been a crack down on anti‐Semitism.
So, why is there such hatred for the Jews? One would expect people of the Muslim faith to have hostility toward Jews (or anti‐Semitic views) because they are taught from a very young age to hate the Jew, but in a poll given to 53,100 people in over 100 countries they found some interesting data. The following shows how many people have anti‐Semitic views within a particular religion. The definition of anti‐Semitism is, discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews.
- Atheists and Agnostics-21%
- Buddist-17%
- Christian-24%
- Hindus-19%
- Muslim-49%
The above shows that people who call themselves Christians (Disciples of Christ-ref Acts 11:26), have more prejudice or hostility toward the Jews (God′s chosen people referenced throughout the Bible) than a Buddist or Hindu. In fact, they appear to hate the Jews more than someone who doesn′t even believe in a supernatural creator. What does they say about the Universal Church (ref Rev 3:17, 18)? But, incivility is not only directed to people due to their nationality or religious preference. People in societies where freedom of speak is allowed are rude to other people for no reason other than to be rude. This is, unfortunately, especially true of the young as we have outlined in previous blogs.
Perhaps that is why Israel has made law the New Nation‐State Law. Opponents (like the UN) say it is raciest. Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel says, Israel needs a basic law that carries constitutional powers. The writer of the law Avi Dichter, believes the bill reinforces “Israel as the nation‐state of the Jewish people…particularly in times when there are those who seek to annul the right of the Jewish people to a national home in their land, and the recognition of the State of Israel as the nation‐state of the Jewish people.” This law is not trying to establish a pure race, like Nazism as Turkish President Erdogan says, but, to make it clear that the Jews have a homeland, somewhere to go to be protected because they are Jews-an ethnic state where the “majority of the population share a common ancestry, history, religion, tradition, language and culture”.
So, what does this mean? The same as we have been saying for a long time. Bible Prophecy is truth. Every day unfolds mirror images of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and many others—the images that the Bible says will happen in the latter days. So why are not more people talking about it? Why don′t more people believe it? Yes, there are many that believe some kind of catastrophe is coming on the earth, but, the Bible is the only book to tell us what, how and when. Lk 21:7,8‐And they asked Him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass? If you do not know the answer, READ YOUR BIBLE. Click here for more detail.
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Generations Of Change Week of 7/16/2018
Do you know what generation you are from? If you are from the United States or Europe here is a quick overview to asset where you stand. (Other countries may have a bit different perspective of the generations due to the political stability of their country for the various eras.)
1. GI Generation‐Born between 1901‐1926. Children of the WWI generation and the warriors of WWII. This generation was the product of strong role models. They saved the world and moved on to rebuild the nations. They have been known to be assertive and energetic workers, excellent team players, strongly interested in personal morality and believe in absolute standards of right and wrong. Being community‐minded they have a strong sense of personal civic duty—so they vote. Their idea of marriage—a lifelong commitment; divorce and having children out of wedlock was considered shameful, although after WW1 divorce was on the rise. They were taught as children to be responsible, loyal, and trustworthy, plus many learned and memorized the Ten Commandments. Most of them grew up without modern appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners or even electricity. Some have called this the greatest generation.
2. Mature/Silents-Born between 1927‐1945. They grew up learning, “children should be seen and not heard” and , “you must conform”; but, also grew up in the postwar happiness era of peace, jobs and security. Women won the right to vote, and began to be more independent—less conforming to traditional ideals. Rock ′n Roll was just starting and Big‐Band, Jazz and Swing music were “all the thing”. Women′s attire was starting to change from the traditional just above the ankle length dress to the Flapper, a shorter to the knees garb. The term, “Flapper” was not only the name of a dress style, it defined the modern woman who wore them—rebellious, sassy, cigarette smoking and drinking in public women. Marriage was also starting to change due to the looseness of these young women. Instead of a traditional marriage in the church, people were starting to get married anywhere and at anytime. Divorce and having children out of wedlock was still shameful, but abortion was gaining ground. During this era, the grade school teacher′s biggest complaints were about passing notes and gum chewing. They still had the Ten Commandments in school, but with the Scopes Evolution Trial of 1925 education was starting to change. This generation got their news from the newspapers and folks from this era like to read. They have common values and appreciate absolute truths. Most went to church and prayed. They are considered more self‐sacrificing than their children.
3. Baby Boomers‐Born between 1946 and 1964. These are the “save the world” revolutionaries of the ′60s (their motto being peace, love and happiness); or, the party‐hardy career climbing Yuppies of the ′70s (the term self‐fulfillment best describes the cultural aspirations of this generation-people who supposedly ascribe a higher importance to themselves than social responsibility)-the "me" generation. They grew up on "Hard Rock" music and drugs ushering in free love, communes and "non-violent" protests which triggered violent protests. Women′s dress again was changing due to the free love and my body is beautiful movement. Skirts and dresses could not be short enough and let′s not forget the emergence of the bikini. (Technically, while the bikini was introduced during the late 1940′s, it took some time before the people of Europe and the U.S. were ready to accept it. From 1957, Modern Girl magazine writes: "It is hardly necessary to waste words over the so-called bikini since it is inconceivable that any girl with tact and decency would ever wear such a thing." Little did they know that the morality of the woman was once again, like in the roaring 20′s, changing.) These folks are self righteous & self-centered; using credit cards instead of waiting until they can afford to buy an item; then, incurring debt. They are too busy for neighborhood involvement, yet have a strong desire to change the common values for the good of all. The first TV generation, first generation to accept homosexuals and one of the largest generations compared to generations before them. They were the first to accept divorce as a tolerable reality. Church going was still popular, but, many young people started to look for personal enlightenment to cope with the chaotic society. Such religions as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islamism, Transcendental Meditation and the Jesus Movement were sought after for the inner transformation and sense of togetherness that was missing in their culture. They are generally consider optimistic, driven, team-oriented and think technology requires schooling-they were not initially as comfortable with computers as their children.
4. Generation X‐Born between 1965 and 1980. This generation is very self‐absorbed. They are proud of their clothing labels and brand names. Government and big business mean little to them—they are suspicious of big business. They desire to save the neighborhood they live in, not the world that sustains them. Most of them remember being in school without computers and the introduction of computers in middle or high school. They desire a chance to learn, explore and make a contribution. Tend to commit to self rather than an organization or specific career. This generation averages 7 career changes in their lifetime, unlike previous generations who worked for the same company for life. To this generation, society and thus individuals are materialize and disposable. AIDS is the first lethal infectious disease in the history of any culture on earth which was not subjected to any quarantine. This generation ushered in an obsession of individual rights (human rights) prevailing over the common good, especially if it is applicable to any type of minority group. The biggest problems in their schools were drugs. Most of them married late in life (after cohabitation) and were quick to divorce-establishing the single parent home. They know what they want and they do not want to wait for it; but, are struggling to buy their desired item. Like their parents, most are deeply in credit card debt. Research reveals that they may be conversationally shallow because they prefer watching movies and play video games instead of partaking in the sit down gatherings of previous generations. They are short on loyalty & wary of commitment; all values are relative-must tolerate all people.
5. Generation Y/Millennium‐Born approximately between 1981 and 2000. They respect authority, schedule everything and prefer to work in teams (which may be why they feel enormous academic pressure if they have to do anything by themselves). In their generation there was a falling crime rate and fewer teen pregnancies; however, they have learned early that the world is not a safe place. To play on the play ground without supervision would be unthinkable, unlike the childhood their grandparents had. They have to live with the thought that at the end of the school day they may not be coming home because of some school shooting. Due to this they have been told repeatedly that they are special, and they expect the world to treat them that way. With unlimited access to information they tend to be assertive with strong views. They do not live to work; they prefer a more relaxed work environment of no pressure. They prefer digital literacy as they have grown up in a digital environment-they have never known a world without computers. They get all their information and most of their socialization from the Internet. To finalize this generation, they envision the world as a 24/7 place—expecting fast and immediate service.
6. Generation Z/Boomlets‐Born after 2001. In 2006 there were a record number of births in the US and 49% of those born were Hispanic. Obviously, this will change the future of American in terms of cult and behavior. According to a Pew study whites are now a minority among children under 5. The number of births in 2006 far outnumbered the start of the baby boom generation, and they will easily be a larger generation. With the advent of computers and web based learning (maybe things their grandparents did not learn till later as adults), children tend to leave behind toys at a younger age. Some call this, “kids growing older younger”. In the 1990′s the average age of a child who played with toys was 10 years old. By 2000 it had dropped to 3 years old. As a child approaches the age to understand the computer world (perhaps four or five) they become less interested in toys and begin to desire cell phones and video games. Here may be some surprising stats for the U.S.
- 61% have televisions in their rooms.
- 35% have video games.
- 14% have a DVD player.
- 4 million will have their own cell phones.
Like the generation before them, these young adults have never known a world without computers and cell phones. They are choosey consumers and they know what they want, how to get it and they are over saturated with brand names. However, when it comes to the environment, they are actually tired of hearing about how to “save the world”. They believe there are multiple ways to save it. They are not particularly respectful to adults and their number one interest?—themselves. Needless to say, any spirituality needs are searched for on the Internet. About 42% of Generation Z admits that social media and their online friends motivate, encourage and impact their lives. They have no need for Christ and the traditional Church. In fact, most are un‐churched. This can be realized by their sense of what is right (morally acceptable) and what is not—they have grown up hearing, “follow your heart”—not contemplating consequences. For the most part, they do not like to read and prefer to communicate using videos or photos—not text.
Does your generation describe you? If you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, been baptized by full immersion and are staying in the Word of God (and obeying it) you should not look like your generation (the world) because you have become a new creature in Christ. Old things have passed away—all things have become new‐ref 2 Cor 5:17. Are you more comfortable around people that curse God, drink, smoke and enjoy sex outside of marriage? If you are living the life of a true believer in Christ those people will not even want you to hang with them‐ref Pr 29:27; 2 Cor 6:14-18, 1 Pet 4:1‐4. Here is a good source for examining yourself.
By reading through the above generational descriptions one cannot help but to see the gradual change in society. Also, one cannot help but to notice a major shift from thinking, “you should love your neighbor as yourself” to “lovers of self”. Relating this to Bible Prophecy, the Bible gives clear prophetic insight on how people will be in the latter days. Click here for some scriptures on the subject. Click here for some more insight on the subject.
Sources:;;;;;;;; Bible verses: Mk 12:31, 2 Tim 3:2.
Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them Week of 7/9/2018

In what was a historical moment for Ethiopian and Eritrean history (however, it may not have made national headlines) both countries President signed a peace treaty uniting the two countries for the first time in twenty years, bringing (what is hoped) a time of peace for the Horn of Africa.
You say you have never heard of Eritrea? Why is this even important? Let′s step back and review some history. By looking at the map above, Eritrea (top left center next to the blue water) is a water front country. Not particular wide, but very desirous due to its access to the water. It lies some 6,500 feet above sea level on its coast, but also has a mountainous area that rises about 7,500 feet above sea level lending to a north south axis. The main population is Muslim with about 40% Eritrean Orthodox and the rest of the population primarily Roman Catholic. There is also a small group of Protestant believers and those who hold to traditional ideologies.
Eritrea has been intertwined with Ethiopia over the millennia. This area has been occupied not only by the Ethiopians, but also the Ottoman Turks, Italians, and British, rendered back to the Ethiopians and now in its current state—independent.
Two centuries ago it gained particular attraction due to the opening of the Suez Canal which gave direct access from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. Ships in these waters needed a secure port of call and with the development of Asseb (the capital city port) and Massawa (the oldest port developed by the Arabs) Eritrea had it all. After WW2, the United States urged the UN to annex Eritrea to Ethiopia as the US had an interest of having a naval presence on the Red Sea, although the US navy was never deployed there. By the 1950′s the UN did rule that Eritrea should become part of Ethiopia as an autonomous federal province with its own constitution and elected government. Herein also gave Ethiopia the opportunity to regain port access and they started the Imperial Ethiopian Navy which was established for patrolling the Red Sea coast. With the loan of training ships from the US the Imperial Ethiopian Navy carried on from the 1950′s to 1990′s.
Again, by looking at the map above you should see Ethiopia in the middle surrounded by (starting in the southwest of Ethiopia) Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea and Sudan. Ethiopia has one particular problem—it is land locked. In the past, Ethiopia had access through Eritrea to the Red Sea, but due to strong‐armed governing by Ethiopia, an uprising by mostly what was Muslim turned Marxist groups, provided the political instability that came close to toppling Ethiopia.
By May 24, 1993 Eritrea won independence and it looked as if both Ethiopia and Eritrea would be on better terms. At that time trade flourished between the two countries, particularly after customs duties were abolished in 1995. But by 1998 events drastically reversed due to border disputes. Once again, there was a devastating war between the two countries which has lasted some 20 years of which the only profit (if you can call it that) was mass killings, hunger and poverty.
Since then a new dawn has broken through the darkness to shed some light. In April of this year Ethiopia appointed Abiy Ahmed, a 41 yrs old (currently the youngest of the African leaders) to lead the country out of crisis. According to, “He has freed thousands of political prisoners, lifted the state of emergency, admitted the regime used torture against political opponents in the past and took steps to make peace with his nation′s “archenemy”, Eritrea. He also liberalised flagship state‐controlled outfits, namely Ethiopia Airlines and the telecommunication sector and took important steps to move the country away from a state‐controlled economy.” Both countries are to, “work to promote close cooperation in political, economic, social, cultural and security areas.” Most importantly they have “agreed to participate in the development of ports…potentially (having) a huge economic boost for both countries, particularly landlocked Ethiopia which has one of Africa′s fastest growing economies.”
Back to Bible Prophecy, Ezekiel chapter 38 reveals that Russia, Meshech and Tubal (Moscow and Tobolsk) invade the land brought back from the sword—against the mountains of Israel‐ref Ezk 38:8. These passages give military operations and even the allies of Russia‐ref Ezk 38:5. The KJV reads, Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet. The present developments are indeed interesting as a strong Ethiopia is what one would expect to come against Israel. And an Ethiopia that would have a navy would indeed be of great asset. A full scale attack against Israel would mean not only from the north or the east, but also from the west (by way of the Mediterranean Sea) and from the south (by way of the Gulf of Aqaba). Due to the Suez Canal, Ethiopia could come either way. And where could Ethiopia get ships to supply their navy? Presently, they have very good ties with Russia.
Regarding Eritrea, the majority of the population (even though there is much enthusiasm) is watching—watching to see if their President will hold true to his promise of peace. Over the years he has made several promises regarding policy changes he plans to make for the good of the people and the Eritreans are still waiting. The heavy hand of this regime is of an oppressive nature. Still today, Eritreans can telephone their family members who they have not spoken to for over 20 years. In a few weeks it is hoped that the airlines will be reopened to the once rival countries, that there will be normalization of trade, and the opening of the land borders among other things. Time will only tell. The real story here perhaps is—will Ethiopia be able to reorganize the Imperial Royal Navy once again.
As you can see, countries and events have been taking shape to what the Bible says will happen in the latter days. Are you ready? We have been asking our readers this question most every week because you really need to examine yourself. Do you desire to have God walk with you or are you willing to walk with God? Do you follow God′s leading or lead in front of God and expect Him to take care of you? Do you want God to do your will or are you willing to do God′s will? When you pray, do you want God to conform to what you desire, or are you willing to conform to what “He” wants for your life? How long has it been since you conscientiously thanked God for dying on the cross to save you from your sins and give you eternal life? When was the last time you were thankful at all? Click here for some information to enhance your walk with the Lord.
Photo: courtesy of (permission for use: You are free to use this map for educational purposes, please refer to the Nations Online Project.)
Iranian Freedom? Week of 7/2/2018
In an already tense situation on Israel′s northern border with Syria, more fighting has broken out between the pro‐Assad coalition and the Islamic Rebels in the area bordering Jordan and Israel. Normally, this is not a big deal—the IDF is prepared for such events, but, it seems the Russians have joined the coalition along with one Iranian backed Shiite militia from Iraq, according to the Long War Journal. This would make it difficult for Israel to attack as they would not want to hit any Russian fighters. Last Thursday alone there were 84 airstrikes against the rebels in Daraa. This has sent Syrian refugees fleeing into the demilitarized zone (established after the 1973 Yom Kippur War) in hopes of entering either Jordan or Israel. However, both countries have closed their borders, but, are providing humanitarian help. Israel has even taken 4 Syrian orphaned children (due to the war) into the country to provide much needed medical attention.
Israel′s army has sent tanks and artillery cannons to strengthen and support the IDF′s 210th Bashan Division, which defends the Golan. The plan is, offer a determined response to any fire coming from Syria, whether deliberate or accidental—Israel stands ready to defend her borders.
U.S. President Trump and Russian President Putin are scheduled to meet in Helsinki, Finland, on July 15th or 16th (depending on what news source you use) to discuss, among other things, Syria. It has been reported that the U.S. President is open to having Bashar Assad (leader of Syria) remain in power, but, that the Iranian and Iranian‐aligned forces (who are bent on the annihilation of Israel) would need to leave Syria. If Russia cannot (or will not) make this happen, the U.S. would be in favor of having Israel handle the situation any way they see fit.
As for the country of Iran, the Iranian people seem to be in great unrest. As reported in our 4/23/18 blog (and others), the Iranian people are at odds with the government for water shortages, state oppression, and pollution (all of which are covered in President Netanyahu′s newest video to the Iranian people (click here to see it). Not to mention they want an end with their countries involvement with the fighting in Syria and Yemen in hopes that the government would use these financial resources to help the people of Iran. However, the government′s response to the protest has turned ugly. Reports are coming out of Iran that the government police have started shooting at peaceful demonstrators. From videos uploaded to the internet by Iranians on the ground, between June 30 and July 1, one can view the fires in the streets, regime forces firing at civilians, and growing unrest. While demonstrators were protesting the water shortages, protesters were seen defending themselves with stones as the security forces brutally suppressed their protest. One reporter noted, “During the Iran-Iraq war, people of Khorramshahr defended their city & country against invasion. Many of them died. Today, they were defending themselves against the Islamic Repub. Their own government opened fire on them. Their own government doesn′t care about their problems.” Already there are 21 dead and over 450 arrested.
Due to the U.S.′s withdrawal from the Iranian deal and U.S. sanctions being set in place (not only on Iran, but, on all countries who trade with her) the financial stability of Iran is very shaky. So shaky, that the Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, is flying to Europe to rally support for the nuclear deal. He needs to know how cooperative Europe will be with Iran. Will they provide the financial assistance they need to help squelch the uprisings at home and perhaps provide for the ongoing military buildup and financial aid to the anti‐Semitic terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas.
At a time when most everyone is hoping for peace, there is none. President Rouhani is scheduled to meet with Chancellor Kurz of Austria (we reported on him in the last blog) after he meets with the Swiss President, Alain Berset. On July 4, Chancellor Kurz plans to speak plainly with Rouhani about Iran′s destabilization of the Middle East by already starting the increase of Iran′s uranium enrichment. Chancellor Kurz also wishes to discuss the human rights situation in Iran where there has been more executions per year in Iran than under his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
There has been no time in history as close to Bible Prophecy than this one. Click here if you need more proof. Will you go to heaven? Many are positive they will go to heaven when they die. Many are positive they will be raptured when that occurs. However, the Bible states clearly (of that number that believe they are saved) only a few, a very few really are saved by the grace of God. Are you striving to enter the narrow gate? Do you fear the Lord? It is written, So the Lord commanded us to observe all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God for our good always and for our survival, as it is today. It will be righteousness for us if we are careful to observe all this commandment before the Lord our God, just as He commanded us‐Deut 6:24 (NAS). We have said it before and it bears repeating—time is very short. The people of this world are going in a wrong direction. Take time to make your calling and election sure‐ref 2 Peter 1:10.