Is Your Mind On The Word? 3/26/2018

Do you feel angry, frustrated or discouraged over world events?
Bible Prophecy can be a fascinating subject. Many people have committed their lives to Jesus due to the watchmen on the walls who expound latter day events. However, sometimes there is so much information coming at us that it can be overwhelming. Our senses are over taken—watching, listening, trying to discern day after day, hour after hour. Are we to watch? Most definitely. (Click here to learn more.)
But we are also to set our minds on the things above, not on the things that are on earth‐ref Col 3:2. How do we go about to do that? Open that Bible that may be covered with dust. Yes watch, but we are also to have a quiet time with Jesus, the Word‐ref John 1:1,14. You should be reading the Bible every day. Not just prophecy verses. Read the whole Bible (click here for suggestions). Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (accurately handling) the Word of Truth‐2 Tim 2:15. And when you hear of wars, earthquakes, violence in the earth remember, The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold‐Ps 18:2 (NAS). You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end‐Mt 24:6 (NAS).
Sources: King James Bible, New American Standard Bible
Photo: End‐
A Kingdom Divided 3/19/2018
In January of 2018, Turkish backed Syrian Rebels began an assault against the Syrian Kurdish held, Afrin. This city is located in northwest Syria and was considered by Turkey′s President Erdogan, "critical in maintaining the security of Turkey's border." The Kurds are considered a growing power on Turkey′s southern border threatening their security. What makes this particularly interesting is the circumstances surrounding the invasion.
Afrin was previously controlled by the Syrian Kurds and the YPG (home grown defense forces of the Syrian Kurds aka People's Protection Units). (For more information about the Kurds see our archived blogs of 10/2/17 and 10/9/17.) The Kurds, in general, have been very instrumental in providing security for those fleeing from ISIS; therefore they have a close alliance with the US, or so they thought.
Another of their expected allies is Russia. The head of the Patriotic Kurdistan Union, Adel Mourad, in his meeting with the Russian Ambassador stated that, "the Kurdish in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey are allies of Russia." Due to these sentiments, many of the Christians helping to fight in Syria have moved to other militias as early as 2015.
This past Sunday, Afrin fell into Turkish backed Syria rebel hands. Hundreds of Kurds displaced, many civilians (including children) killed and for what? So that a political statement could be made? Or, maybe it is something else.
As the war between the Syrian rebels and the Kurds voiced off no one in the international community seemed interested. Before the January offensive, Turkey sent a high delegation to Moscow. Both Russia and the US were in a difficult situation seeing they both backed the YPG, but neither one appeared to want to offend Turkey. Russia appeared to be more interested in making concessions, Afrin for other terms in Syria. It may also be that Russia was also interested in causing a rift between the US and the YPG. For the US, Turkey is a NATO member of 66 years, an ally. The Kurds are new friends.
According to the Jerusalem Post‐3/18/18 edition, "The US had mixed messages for Turkey on Afrin. President Donald Trump urged Ankara to de‐escalate and limit its operations in January. However, National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster refrained from critique in a call to…an advisor to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.′ Neither did Secretary of State Rex Tillerson make any objections to the offensive. It is even reported that he was looking to let Turkey take Manbij, another city controlled by the YPG-where US forces are stationed.
So, with all this confusion, Turkey understood that Washington was immobile. In the words of the Jerusalem Post 3/19/18‐, "…the US couldn′t drum up an international response while the US was in chaos and losing allies in Europe and dealing with allegations of Russian meddling in US politics."
What makes all this so interesting is the statement, the US was in so much chaos. Turkey (who has close ties with Russia) went ahead with the invasion and Washington′s hands were tied because of confusion—he Presidential staff was not like‐minded.
Check out this chart that shows where we are in time and what there is to look forward.
It is written, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand‐Mt 12:25. There needs to be total chaos in order to bring in a one world leader—the Anti‐Christ. But before that happens, when Russia invades Israel, they invade because they do not expect to be stopped. There must be enough international governmental upheaval to cause so much confusion that Russia does not believe anyone is going to care.
Are these the Preparations of WW3? 3/12/2018
Since the 1960′s and the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty, the world has been trying to control the uses and arsenals of chemical and nuclear weapons. What is the difference between chemical weapons and nuclear weapons? Both are weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but chemical weapons kill silently—inflicting misery to people, animals and/or devastation of crops. The most recent example of this is in Syria. Nuclear weapons wipe out everything—incinerating, obliterating and devastating not only with its powerful blast, but the radiation fallout is horrific.
Back in September 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced, “Today the last chemical ammunition from Russia′s chemical weapon stockpile will be destroyed.” The world gave their approval and commended the Russian leader who criticized the United States for not meeting their commitment of destroying their chemical weapons in a timely fashion.
Last week Russia′s President was not proclaiming peace on earth. He was very clear. Putin said that he would give the order to launch if Russia was threatened with nuclear missiles. “This is called reciprocal strike. If there is this decision to destroy Russia then we have a legal right to respond.” He said, “This would be a global catastrophe for humanity but I, as a citizen of Russia and the head of the Russian state would like to ask you this—what do we need a world for if there is no Russia in it?” Apparently, Russia has been very busy unloading their chemical weapons to make way for more devastating weaponry—weapons Putin calls, a new generation of "invincible" hypersonic weapons and submarines which is a breach of Cold War‐era treaties.
So, it would seem that both the U.S. and Russia are slipping into their prophetic places. Read this. We are commanded to watch and be ready. Are you ready?
Sources:; Yahoo News;;;
Watch! 3/4/2018

The Word of God commands us to watch. How do you know what to watch for
unless you study your Bible? Here are some Bible studies to consider under, recommended reading. Click here.
The Translation (or Rature) is
going to come soon and when it comes many that are sure they will be taken will be left behind‐ref Mt 7:21-23.
Ask yourself, is God′s Word and obeying the Bible the most important thing in your life? Or not? If
it is not, then YOU may be left behind.
One of the next events on God's time table is the war of Ps 83:5-8.
You can′t say, you did not know.