To Bee or Not For The Bee 5/15/20

Monday May 4, is known in some circles as, Star Wars Day (Star Wars is a popular American movie for sci‐fi fans). Why is Monday May 4, known as Star Wars Day? Because it sounds like the common greeting from the series, “May the force be with you”—well, that is what “they” say.
The definition of Science fiction (sci-fi) is a form of fiction (a made-up story) that draws imaginatively on scientific knowledge and speculation in its plot, setting, theme, etc. In other words, it is not a true story, but is based on truths of science, often times exaggerated. One group of sci‐fi characters are insects. Normally, tiny creatures that become enormous on the film screen, or in some way their natural characteristics overemphasized. Movies like “ANTS”, or “Killer Bees”, or “The Birds”; but, are these insects just pretend?
In recent years, there has been a real life increase in sci‐fi type insects. For example, the Killer Bees from Africa. In its natural habitat, these bees are much more defensive of their hive than their European cousins. That would seem natural, as Africa can be a tougher place than Europe for a bee colony. On the other hand, it has been known for years that the bees of Italy are rather docile. However, that is not their only difference—all European bees produce five time more honey than a bee from Africa. During the 1950′s the African bee was cross bred with the European Italian honey bee in the hopes of developing an aggressive pollinator with a mild temperament. Unfortunately, what was released into the populous was a down right aggressive bee that will wildly sting anything and everything that disturbs their nest earning the name, killer bees—scientist named them, Africanized Bees. These insects do not have a more venomous sting than their European cousins, which would only send out ten percent of the hive after an intruder; but, if every bee in a colony goes after you and stings you—there is a good chance you will die. Eight to ten stings per pound of body weight is considered lethal. These aggressive bees build their hives any place—hollow logs, old tires, cement blocks, house eaves, BBQ grills, even an old cans. A minor disturbance like a lawn mower or a person jogging on a treadmill from as far away as 100 feet (30 meters) away can set them off. Perhaps just as alarming, these bees can cross breed with regular honey bees producing traits primarily derived from the dominant African bee. In other words, traits of the more docile native bees tend to be recessive and therefore lost. The killer bees also carry a mite that has been suspicioned to cause European bee colonies to collapse and die off as regular honey bees do not have a resistance against the mite.
Speaking of pollinators, here is another fierce insect to fear—the Japanese, or Asian Giant Hornet. So named because their natural habitat is in Asia. It is the largest hornet species in the world (growing 2 inches in size, with the larger Queen at 3 inches) and responsible for killing a small number of people in their homelands. As dangerous as it is in its own country, this variety of hornet was introduced to Europe about 20 years ago, and more recently to the US. It is a nightmare to meet on a hike in the woods—not to mention the insects they pray on. This hornet is very aggressive and its stinger (which is longer than your average hornet) injects people with a venom that is highly toxic to humans. It dissolves skin like sulfuric acid and breaks down human blood rapidly. The sting is hard to recover from, even with treatment. And they know how to work as a team to weaken their pray. Some victims claim they were chased by hornets (they can fly up to 30 miles an hour) for several hundreds meters in the process of being stung up to 200 times. Those stung by the bees report it is like having red hot steal or thumbtacks driven into the skin. The Giant Hornets also needs to eat. The hornets favorite meal for its babies are honey bees. Yes, the Giant Hornet goes into a bee hive, lets off a scent that will attract fellow hornets; then the European honey bees are doomed. A single Japanese hornet can kill 40 honeybees per minute; and a swarm of 30 Japanese hornets can take down a colony of 30,000 in less than four hours. The hornets don′t take the whole bee, they only want their heads. The European honey bees don′t have a chance, but if the Japanese hornet was in its homeland, the Japanese honey bee would know how to take care of this intruder. Watch this video if you are interested.
How does this relate to Bible Prophecy? We have already given you examples of pest, but have you also noticed an increase of pestilences (as well as pest) within the latter days period (which began with the rebirth of Israel on May 14, 1948)? For example, the West Nile Virus, which originated in the West Nile region of Africa, over the course of many years finally made it to the Americas. In 1999, New York City experienced the virus as it continued to spread to most of the United States and five Canadian provinces within a very short time. According to the Center for Disease and Control, there is no available vaccine or specific antiviral treatments for West Nile virus. On the other hand, even though symptoms are not pleasant, fatalities are low.
There is also HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). This is another pestilence whose earliest detection was in the 1950′s. According to the Center for Disease and Control, there is no cure for HIV, only medicines that control it. What about the Bird Flu of 1997 and 1999, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) of 2003, Swine Flu of 2009‐2010, MERS of 2012‐present and of course,most recently, Covid‐19.
Whether made in a laboratory or created in nature, the Bible says there will continue to be an increase in plagues and pests. During the second half of the Tribulation there will be some type of locusts that will sting men with a sting like a scorpion. It will leave people in agony. Their stingers will also be several inches long. The Bible says these creatures come out of the bottomless pit and if you are stung, you will wish you could die, but you will not be able. This is the first of the three great woes‐ref Rev 9:1‐12.
Have you ever said a sinner′s prayer? Do you remember what you said to God? Did you ever say something like, “Jesus, I give you my life”? It is written, When you vow a vow (or make a pledge to God), do not put off paying it; for God has no pleasure in fools (those who mindlessly mock Him). Pay what you vow‐ref Ec 5:4.
In case you are not aware, it is not enough to call on the name of Jesus if you want to go to heaven when you die. You must repent of your sins and get baptized by full immersion. Then read, read, read the Bible—and proceed to act upon your new found knowledge of the Word. In other words, be a doer of the Word, and not a hearer only‐ref Ja 1:22.
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