Excited About Christmas—Why? 12/21/20

Why are Christians so excited about Christmas? Is it the gift giving, or the Christmas decorations? The pandemic restrictions of family gatherings? The real answer for Christians should be—because He has come!
Who is He? Once again, we turn to Scripture for the answer. It is written, Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel-Is 7:14. Matthews' gospel give us the meaning of Immanuel—it means, God with us-Mt 1:23.
So, this year on Christmas eve, before you open those presents with family and friends, take a few minutes to remind yourself, and others, about those important events of Luke chapters 1 & 2 that are the true reason why we celebrate Christmas. Â
May God bless you and your family.
Photo Design: End-time.com. Retro Christmas image, The Graphics Fairy.